This sort of fatal rumor is the usual accompaniment of civil wars, and it was a false report of this kind which, later on, produced the catastrophe of the Rue Transnonain. 这种必然会带来灾祸的流言蜚语经常伴随着内战,也正因为这类谣传,后来引起了特兰斯诺南街的事件①。
Those who obstruct fire alarm reporting or make false report on fire disaster; 阻拦报火警或者谎报火警的;
No entity or individual may conceal, make false report or delay the report of any food safety accident, or destroy relevant evidence. 任何单位或者个人不得对食品安全事故隐瞒、谎报、缓报,不得毁灭有关证据。
Making a false report of user abuse to SCEA Consumer Services ( see below); 作出虚假报告的用户滥用SCEA消费者服务(见下文);
An obligee of real estate shall, in transfer of his real estate, truthfully report the transaction price to the Department designated by the local people's government at or above the county level and shall not make a concealed or false report. 房地产权利人转让房地产,应当向县级以上地方人民政府规定的部门如实申报成交价,不得瞒报或者作不实的申报。
Earlier in the earthquake in Japan "famous" the Tokyo electric power company in operation is was stained, in many times by "hide facts and submit false report". 早前在日本地震中“扬名”的东京电力公司在经营方面更是劣迹斑斑,多次被爆出“隐瞒事实及提交虚假报告”。
The case is now being investigated as filing a false report, a misdemeanor. 警方现已将此案定性为谎报案情的轻罪行为。
They made a false report. 他们发表了错误的报告。
Trent Spencer, 27, of Edmond, north of Oklahoma City, was charged with the misdemeanour crime of filing a false report, said police spokeswoman Glynda Chu. 警方女发言人格琳达•朱说,27岁的特伦特•斯宾赛因编造虚假口供而被控行为不端。
In light of Zhuge Liang's plan, Zhao Yun made a false report to Liu Bei before his departure, saying that Cao Cao was attacking Jingzhou. He urged Liu Bei to go Back. 赵云按临行前诸葛亮设的计策:假称曹操攻打荆州,催刘备回去。
The shooting was covered up, his body burned and a false report issued. 这起枪击事件被警方掩盖,尸体被焚烧灭迹,一份与事实不符的报告出炉。
Resistive distributor brush ( III) Those who obstruct fire alarm reporting or make false report on fire disaster; 电阻性点火分配器电刷(三)阻拦报火警或者谎报火警的;
Especially the fifties the make a false report of end, coxcombical just enter new China benign 非凡是五十年代末的虚报、浮夸把新中国刚刚步入良性
Refusing to report or submitting a false report on items for which declaration is required by the competent department of environmental protection administration under the State Council. 拒报或者谎报国务院环境保护行政主管部门规定的有关污染物排放申报事项的。
I was angry at that false report. 我听了这个谎报,大为发火。
On the rebuilding of credit and the choice of criterion& the think about a case of false report of registered capital 信用的重建与规范的选择&由一起虚报注册资本案引起的思考
Law liability of false report of China's special media agencies in securities issue 我国专业中介机构在证券发行中虚假陈述的法律责任
Apart from the objective factors, the main reason is Ding's subjective false report. 除了客观因素外,丁汝昌的主观谎报是最主要的原因。
Which is required in track inspecting too, but the rail slot information will induce false report. 同时,轨缝信息也是轨道检查关注的内容,但在进行超限检查时,轨缝信息将引起频繁的超限误报。
On the Crime of Making a False Report About Registered Capital 浅析虚报注册资本罪的若干问题
The revision on company ′ s register capital system will substantially effect the finding of the crime of false report register capital and false funding; 对公司注册资本制度的修订,将会对虚报注册资本罪、虚假出资罪的认定产生不容忽视的影响;
On the Crime of Providing False Report of Account 论提供虚假财会报告罪
The fifth part sets forth the cause of false report and its comprehensive administration. 第五章阐述了我国上市公司虚假财务报告的成因及综合治理,分别从上市公司违法造假的根源和虚假财务报告的综合治理两个方面进行了阐述。
Author discusses the action of statistics work supervision according to the law, and states the purpose and measure, and interdicts making a false report, keeps statistics data truthfulness, guarantees statistics data rapidness and extraction. 作者结合实际论述了依法强化统计监督的作用、目的和措施,强调坚决制止虚报瞒报现象,维护统计数字真实可靠的重要性,以确保统计数字的快、精、准。
The traditional market cleaning price bidding mechanism and pay-as-bid bidding mechanism present serious phenomenon of making false report of high price because of information asymmetry in the implementation process. So it affects the stability of the electrical power system. 传统的统一市场出清价格竞价机制和按报价支付的竞价机制在实施过程中由于信息的不对称,存在着较为严重的虚报高价现象,影响电力系统的稳定性。
Chapter ⅱ is focus on the constitution of the crime of failure to report or making a false report to safety accidents, which discussed the main crime, subjective, objective and the object of the crime in turn. 第二章研究不报、谎报安全事故罪构成要件,先后讨论了犯罪主体、主观方面、客观方面和犯罪客体。
In June 2006, the Amendment to the Criminal Law(ⅵ) was adopted, which introduced a new crime named of failure to report or making a false report to safety accidents. 2006年6月出台的《刑法修正案(六)》在刑法中增设了不报、谎报安全事故罪。
Certified public accountant for failure to exercise due professional care because of negligence and false report issued, the accounting firm and its commitment to adapt to the added fault liability. 对于注册会计师因未保持应有的职业谨慎,因过失而出具不实报告的,会计师事务所承担与其过失相适应的补充赔偿责任。
False reporting standards, the false report, there should be false, misleading or missing and at the same time meet the materiality of these two substantial elements. 关于不实报告认定标准,不实报告应存在虚假、误导或者遗漏且同时满足重大性这两个实质要件。
Chapter ⅲ reported that the judicial application of the crime of failure to report or making a false report to safety accidents, including the common crime and the issues on the number of crime. 第三章研究不报、谎报安全事故罪的司法适用,包括罪数问题和共同犯罪问题。第四章则针对本罪的立法和司法两方面提出建议。